Friday, November 15, 2013

Tour ke Israel! (Indonesian version)

Spiritual Journey to Holy land: Christmas and New Year 2014
Bersama Mahaloka Tour & Holy Spirit Ministries Indonesia

Marilah bergabung dalam perjalanan rohani ke Tanah Perjanjian yang dirancang khusus sesuai dengan tuntunan & visi Roh Kudus. Sambil menikmati keagungan karyaNya serta berkat rohani yang luar biasa agar kita semakin mengenal, mengasihi, & takut akan Tuhan.

Mesir - Israel - Yordania/Petra
20 Desember 2013 - 02 Januari 2014 (14 hari)

Bersama: Pdt. Yohanes E. Christianto

*Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan registrasi, kirimlah email ke akun
*Ini adalah informasi RESMI, bukan hoax.

Winter in Israel!

The roads Jesus walked on... The places He went... Where He was born... Wanna discover and see for yourself the places Jesus lived through in His life? Wait no more! Holy Spirit Ministries bring to you a Spiritual Journey to the Holy land: Christmas and New Year 2014, where you get to spend the Christmas day in Bethlehem, right where the Savior was born! 

Egypt - Israel - Jordan/Petra
20 December 2013 - 02 January 2014 (14 days)

Experience Jesus in your life, do not miss this great opportunity!

*For more information and registration, please send an email to
*Available only in Jakarta, Indonesia

(This is OFFICIAL. Presented by Mahaloka Tour & Holy Spirit Ministries Indonesia)